活動資訊分享! 【InnoVEX 2023 國際論壇 – 亞洲・矽谷鏈結全球創新佈局論壇🌏】


新創新視野!☝ 2016年臺灣開始推動亞洲.矽谷計畫,以「智慧物聯加速產業進化」及「創新創業驅動產業未來」為2大推動方向,更吸引國際大廠包含Google、微軟、亞馬遜AWS、思科及高通來臺投入創新資源,協助國內業者數位轉型,強化創新能量。本論壇以展現政策成果及推動全球鏈結做為辦理精神,期以鼓勵AIoT解決方案向國際輸出,加速台灣推動新創事業成長及出場,本次論壇特邀產官學專家齊聚,帶你了解科技將為未來帶來的無限可能!⚡


✅ 財團法人資訊工業策進會產業情報研究所 資深產業顧問兼所長 洪春暉

✅ 台灣新東向全球產學研協進會 執行長 陳孝昌

✅ 皇輝科技股份有限公司 董事長兼總經理 張智強

✅ 台杉投資 執行合夥人 楊明超

✅ 亞洲・矽谷計畫執行中心 行政長 李博榮

座位有限 報名要快👉https://reurl.cc/a1oyv3

Since 2016, the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), with the two primary promotion directions of “Smart Internet of Things Accelerating Industrial Evolution" and “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Driving the Future of Industry,” has attracted international companies, including Google, Microsoft, AWS, Cisco, and Qualcomm to come to Taiwan to invest in innovation resources and assist the digital transformation of domestic industry players strengthens the energy of innovation!☝ The spirit of this forum is to demonstrate policy achievements and promote global links, with a view to encouraging the export of AIoT solutions to the world and accelerating the growth and entry of new businesses in Taiwan!⚡
🎤 Speakers:
✅ Chris Hung, Senior Industry Consultant/ Director General, Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (III)
✅ Edison Chen, CEO, Taiwan Eastbound Alliance – Landing America
✅ Eric Chang, Chairman & CEO, GLORY Technology Service Inc.
✅ Mitch Yang, Managing Partner, Taiwania Capital
✅ Paul Lee, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA)